Several members of the HSCA attended the Missouri Valley Arms Collectors Association gun show in Kansas City, MO, the weekend of July 28-30. Some HSCA members had collection displays for the attendees to peruse. It was a good weekend for members to enjoy the conversation and company of fellow members. We liked looking at the member's displays. There were many firearms that one will never see outside of these collections. We all went to dinner on Saturday evening at one of the local restaurants. It was fun to talk with other members and enjoy good food. We're looking forward to the next event.
Members. Back L-R: Dan Rathgeber (insert), Wayne Davis, John Hanks, Russ Gray, Bob Snider, Tom Bolander, Mike Reinke. Front: John Stimson, Jon Miller, Jim Gray, Bill Brown, Ken Rabeneck.
Special Award winners: Jon Miller, Ken Rabeneck, and Dan Rathgeber.
Members "discussion" group: Wayne Davis, Bill Brown, and John Hanks.
R-L, Jim Gray, HSCA president, and his son Russ Gray, and son-in-law Bob Snider.
Jim Gray's display. Many fine guns.
The Friday lunch bunch.
Ken Rabeneck's display of HS shotguns.
Dan Rathgeber's display of .22 short pistols: Model C's, Olympics, and Flite Kings.
Jon Miller's display of Crusader revolvers, commemoratives, experimental guns, and prototypes.