Welcome to the blog of the High Standard Collectors' Association. Feel free to browse around and enjoy! If you have a question about one of our posts, or have something to add, please leave a comment by clicking on COMMENTS or COMMENT just below the post. We'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Bullsh-t rumor

 Somebody has started a rumor that there is a rift between the guys at High Standard Montana.

I was informed of this by Bob Snider.

He and Russ want to make it clear to everyone that that    



Friday, December 15, 2023

New High Standard book available: The Collectors Guide for High Standard Firearms



 There is a new book on High Standard Firearms available on Amazon Books.

     High Standard Firearms History, 1932-1984 Connecticut, A Collectors Guide contains 344 pages of the best information available to date including production numbers right from the Factory Records.    

    This book is unique in its preservation of the company's history based on archival data and first-person interviews with the company’s designers and engineers by John Currie in his three-decade quest for information. There are scores of photos of the people, their prototypes and rare and commercial firearms. 

    Copious graphs and illustrations give dates of manufacture and numbers of firearms produced with charts listing every Model Number/ Number Produced/ Years Produced and Serial Number Range. Truly a "Collectors Guide" for High Standard derringers, pistols, revolvers, shotguns and rifles.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Winter 2023 newsletters were mailed out 2 weeks ago.

If you are a paid up HSCA member and have not received yours please contact me.

If you are not a paid up and active member send your application and $40 check to HSCA.

Mailing address is to the right of this post.
