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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Background to this post: Gary Hooper spent a lot of time and effort compiling a quick reference for .22 caliber pistols in Currie's book. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to post on the Blog. Pardon the font size. This message is from Gary: Jon, if you can't figure out how to post a PDF on the blog that people can download, you might try copying the following and pasting it on the blog. People won't be able to download it, but if they would like a PDF file, they can e-mail me at garybhooper@yahoo.com and I would be happy to e-mail them a PDF file. Please let me know if this works. thanks, Gary This listing of the catalog numbers of the .22 auto pistols was compiled with information in the John Currie book. The document is intended to be a quick reference for page numbers, barrel length and numbers produced for each model.

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