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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

HSCA Newsletter, Jan. 2017

The January, 2017 HSCA Newsletter was mailed on January 3 to the current 2017 HSCA members. Let me know if you do not receive your issue.  - Ken


  1. Ken, the newsletter was interesting to read. I liked the article on the derringer workings. The description of reassembly is very good information. The frame profiling article provided a good insight into the machining methods of those days. Now, CNC machines would replace that worker. I appreciate your work on the newsletter.

  2. Ken, I did not get the newsletter did you send one? Thanks, Stefan Cohn

  3. Ken, I did not get the newsletter did you send one? Thanks, Stefan Cohn

  4. Need a set of GE grips if anyone has the heart to part with a set. Thanks, Mike
